Ways to make credits in swtor

Posted: Fad On: 05.07.2017

The Old Republic , a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. Filters Search By Flair. View All Upcoming Events, Conquests, and Group Finder Operations. Question What's everyone's favorite way to make credits? My main uses synthweaver and I don't find I make a whole lot with it. What's everyone preference to making fat stacks yo? Trying to sell stuff on the GTN, getting massively undercut every time and having nothing sell because I don't know what anything's worth, then complaining in chat about noobs ruining the market.

Slicing on Yavin 4 while I wait for ranked queue and do dailies. Clears k faster than doing the rest of the dailies plus bonus purple mission items every once in a while. As a bonus I also get to act as a gangster and kill opposing faction people who get on my gathering territory. I started last night with k on my character, did the 8 dailies for the weekly on Yavin 4 and only 2 times around both ruins to gather any slicing nodes.

I didn't complete any bonuses and gathered some archeology mats as well to use to craft for myself. I didn't realize how profitable those slicing nodes are on Yavin. I will say that I ran into like 3 that were either in a wall or some where unreachable and that wasted about 2 mins of my time.

I was just saying that to discount that as giving any additional credits beyond dailies and slicing boxes. At one point I had about 25 slicing things to open. I purposely waited to see what it would end up giving me. I opened all from one ruins when I finished the daily with the birds. I can grind out a cool million in a semi-empty instance in about an hour to 90 min.

A lot of clicking, frustration that you swear you didn't aggro that mob, and dealing with opposing faction ninjas.

Who you can't take revenge on because you've switched to AP even though you're normally in tank gear and playing as Shield Tech PT and haven't gotten around to gearing so you're stuck in story blues, all of which is moot since none of the ninjas are flagged and in the time you could try and aggravate them to flag you just lost 4 or 5 nodes.

Favourite way is Ops of course. Its not a great way but its good.

You can also make fat stack yo when new items come out, I made a few mills of selling Midlithe Lightsabers for K when 3. I doubt it's going to work well now, but maybe there's still a market among preferred players Artifice makes quite a bit selling mods at lower levels. I can usually make k in a short while on the GTN.

ways to make credits in swtor

I am only level 44 though. So I don't have much experience. I find that dailies are the most satisfying way to go. I may not make as much as those working the GTN or such, but at least I'm doing something active.

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Finding things on the gtn that are too low priced and buying them and putting them back up at a higher price. I rent myself out as a healer or DPSer for ranked or u ranked PVP. If you rent me as a healer I am a pocket healer. I heal nobody but us unless we're full. DPS I just wombo combo everybody.

My 2 main characters are pure gathering.

ways to make credits in swtor

Every 30 minutes or so I swap toons and run new crafting missions. Then I amass mats until I have stacks of I watch the GTN prices and place my mats on the market for maximum profit.

Dailies, Selling Stims, Aug Kits and browsing the market for that guy who forgot to add a 0 or two to the price and resell it at full price.: I do my good deeds though. One time I found a 4million credit item on the GTN for 40k. I bought it, sent it back to the guy and told what had happened. A couple days later he sent me a Million credits and thanked me for helping him out.

Some people can be nice once in a while. Sometimes people pay to watch my female, Pure Blood Sith, "punish" Theron Cedrax Selling Cartel items and XP boosts can be quite lucrative. If you can catch a rare piece, like a Revan sash or something, for a low amount likely posted in error, nab that thing up and relist it.

It can take a few relistings but it always pays out in the end. Hoarding items isn't a bad idea either. People will pay obscene prices for items in embargoed packs that aren't readily available to complete their collections, especially on RP servers where multiple outfits are common.

I made some pretty good credits selling augment kits. Unfortunately, it looks like the slot machine has begun to destroy that market. Soon they'll be selling for 10k credits, augments will drop to 50k and Armormech will go back to meaning absolutely nothing.

I looked into to the whole slot machine, sell purple mats deal. Pretty crazy how fast the prices are dropping already. I was on this morning and doorium was about 10k a piece which is pretty low already, and now 5ish hours later its down to 4k a piece. Even MK10 augment components dropped from about 41k for 10 to about half that.

Rarely logging into the game except on raid nights. I make a lot relative to the time I spend playing. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. By signing up, you agree to our Terms and that you have read our Privacy Policy and Content Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds.

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You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than here. Relics of the Gree. Bill Murray finding The Gravestone is great, but there was a time when Lana and Theron were desperate for help. I usually ignore these story cards, but I somehow landed an awesome character name, and it makes these things so much more enjoyable. Can someone identify this armor set for me?

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How to Make Gold/Credits Fast in SWTOR: Section Two

The new story rains credits. I make a killin'. I thought it was just XP. Pummel shit, earn cash, have fun while you're at it. I can get about half a mil in 40 minutes. Posts are automatically archived after 6 months.

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