Bungie destiny trading system

Posted: rudic132 On: 04.06.2017

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Does anybody know the answer to this question? Comment Reply Start Topic. B I U Quote Link Named Link Spoiler Armory.

Forum Category Destiny Feedback Help Community Recruitment Gaming OffTopic. Bungie will never institute trading. They call in game "play" but it involves actual effort and WORK, plus hundreds of hours of time, tick tock tick tock Better off sellling your entire account and password on ebay and starting a new one.

I'll sell mine for The answer is yes. Bungie officially stated that you can trade ammunition with the enemies for the items they may have on them Edit: I posted this on the 22nd of December and my phone buzzes almost every day still to this day about a random like lol. The closest thing I can see to trading is with materials and currencies.

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I think maybe trading rewards directly after the chest spawns in a raid or only during the rewards screen in nightfalls would be a good way to go. That way you both actually earned the gear at the same time with the same effort.

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Edited by joey big guns: They said there will be no trade system which I think there should be. They say you worked so hard for thing why trade them then the other person didn't work for it. Well I think it's our item can't we do what we want with it. Make it where we can trade a certain amount of times and only with clan members or friends. I'm with u and watch Thais video http: Glimmer is limited, but maybe add a bank, with no cap for the big traders.

Trade anything for Glimmer, up to 1m per item. I do patrol missions and usually have a good quantity of Glimmer on hand, but nowhere to spend it. Also, a weapon modding system would be nice..

Since every other FPS has one.. For example, sights, grips, suppressors, and camouflage. It's already implemented in a sort of twisted way sight mods but I'd like the gunsmith to mod guns.. This kinda went a little off track. They really need a trading system of some kind.

bungie destiny trading system

It will only add to the game and improve the game's life span. I know some of you fear that a player will get stuff with out working for it but that is a minor worry. I worked hard for my stuff and if I want to give an item to a friend I should be free to do so.

I have 3 of the same exotic weapon! I don't need or want the extra 2. Yeah that's just what I need, to break down an exotic for more crap I don't need or want! One way or another the person getting it had to work for it. Yes even the person spending their money on Ebay to get stuff. Also I'm sure Bungie could limit the number of trades you could do each week to help avoid that.

I own this game thanks to selling items from another game! Paid for my copy of the game and the dlc pass plus a copy for my friend. Try not to get to a high level or play the game at all or you're going to start getting raid invites and we all know how that will ruin your gaming experience. Bungie could make it to where you could only trade with friends and that would be good enough for me. I'll start getting a bunch of friend requests and I can't deal with that!

Trust me you could use a few friends! Yes read the ign interview "bungie will release a p2p trading economy ad soon as we are able to enable it" it's in place they are patching it so it doesn't literally break the game and to everyone getting all salty about it calm the hell down. I think it could work so long as you can only trade items of equal value. And that doesn't include strange coins for exotics or even exotic shards for exotics.

You can only do exotic-exotic, legendary-legendary etc. Doing it that way I think it would work. You'd still need to put time into the game to get good quality items, and realistically you'd only trade exotics if you had spares. It would massively help with the frustration of getting your third or fourth vex, only needing one exotic, while others still don't have it after numerous raid clears.

Just to be clear - NO, destiny doesn't currently have trading. It'd be nice for Bungie to add it though. You can look at your vault mother butts. I believe it is coming. They trademarked a name for a trading 'company'.

I forget what the name is. If will not ruin the game, it may grow it.

Does/Will Destiny have a trading system? > Destiny | Forums | qyzofolawory.web.fc2.com

In most MMos, you have the farmers, and the people who buy some of the stuff they just can't get it. In your example, you could list your item, and then see if someone is selling what you want. This will not break the game as many think because user data is not stored locally, it is stored on the server. This is not to say there is not an exploit to dupe items, but this is done with most if not all MMOs, so it is conquered technology. The biggest issue is what 'currency' would you use?

Glimmer has limited value. Merits have a stupid small cap.

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If they do, good? No they didn't mention it at the livestream. They won't ever because then it's to easy. I see it as trading will never be implemented. If it was then that would eliminate the need for ppl to grind away endlessly hoping for RNG to bless them with luck. In a nutshell trading will eliminate the need to play the game. After all that is what they want us to do.

They assigned the taken Kong trade Mark to a company I forgot the name of I believer this will not ruin the grinding factor because you would have to pay glimmer and exotic shards if you were to buy an exotic from somebody.

And it makes sense they are adding legendary makes so you can save them up to buy a legendary from your friend. Just a thought but I think it's accurate enough. I hope they dont allow trading from p2p because where would all the joy be if someone gave you a weapon instead of you doing all the work and grinding like hell I have been playing since the game came out on ps4 and only got my first gally on crota maybe 2 weeks before poe and it felt soo amazing.

It felt even so much better when i got my hawkmoon a week ago. Play to win baby! The most similar game in terms of mechanics will probably be war frame, and it has trading. Destiny Destiny Companion Media Buy Destiny Groups Forums Credits. Store Games Apparel Art Collection Bags and Accessories.

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