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Posted: KolyanV On: 19.06.2017

For many Palestinians, President Mahmoud Abbas is seen as something like a Quisling, a timid man who has dedicated himself to selling out to American and Israeli interests in exchange for his remaining in power. Others, recognizing that a return to an intifada would bring down terrible destruction, accept that the enormous disparity of force between Israel and the Palestinians means that a policy of accommodation with Benjamin Netanyahu and his ever-threatening right-wing government is the only possible course, even as West Bank land continues to be stolen by the brutal Israeli settlers.

And Abbas is even viewed somewhat sympathetically and somewhat appreciated by that patient minority of Palestinians which hopes that international pressure on Israel will grow until it reaches a point where the Israelis will eventually be compelled to take steps to recognize Palestinian rights.

Abbas did not expect much from his first face to face meeting with American President Donald Trump, but he reportedly came away from the encounter pleased by what he was hearing even though the discussion was light on specifics. Abbas might well have noted that most of the violence in the region is instigated by the Israelis, that Israeli textbooks demonize Arabs, and that settlers are subsidized by the Israeli government to steal and build on more Arab land while terrorizing and imprisoning the local inhabitants, but he prudently kept his mouth shut.

To put it mildly, Donald Trump has been inconsistent in terms of what he has said about Israel-Palestine. It is generally accepted that he is much closer to Israel and to Jewish interests than he is to seeking justice for the Palestinians. The first foreign leader Trump spoke to after his election was Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister has already been in Washington for a visit and Trump has indeed said repeatedly that he is the best friend as U.

He has backed up that claim by appointing leading Zionists David Friedman as U. Ambassador to Israel and Jason Greenblatt as special representative for international negotiations. He has also promised to move the U. Embassy to Jerusalem, even if he has slowed up the process that would lead to actually doing so.

His Jewish son in law Jared Kushner and Jewish-by-conversion daughter Ivanka are also believed to be involved in promoting initiatives relating to Israel and American Jews. Though it is expected that the president will avoid saying anything dramatic during his day in Israel, there is some fear that he might go off script and press for a new peace initiative, which Netanyahu and those to the right of him in the political spectrum would want to avoid as they currently hold all the cards relative to their Arab opponents.

Any American backing for a new discussion on a final settlement of borders or sovereignty would be unwelcome, particularly so for Netanyahu, who is currently believed to be about to face corruption charges and is being pushed by hard liners to be prepared to resign and name a replacement if that takes place.

It has also not gone unnoticed by America-watchers in Israel that Trump has been particularly friendly to Arab leaders, including Abdel Fattah al-Sisi of Egypt, King Abdullah of Jordan and King Salman of Saudi Arabia. The formula was originally proposed by the member Arab League in It would involve peace agreements and bilateral relations with the Arab League states as well as with 34 other associated Muslim countries, with only Iran as a hold-out.

In return Palestine would become a sovereign state roughly based on the armistice lines, which would mean the West Bank and Gaza, having East Jerusalem as its capital. Details about the return of refugees and mutual defense arrangements between the two states would have to be worked out but were considered to be manageable. Some reports out of Washington suggest that Trump is intrigued by the prospect of hosting a regional peace conference later this summer using the Arab League document as a framework, inviting not only Israel and Palestine but also the Saudis, Jordanians and Egyptians.

It would simultaneously address the issues of normalization, border adjustments and statehood creation so that all parties could benefit from the process as it moved along. But will Trump be able to push hard even if he is inclined to do so? If Israel gets the faintest whiff of a White House demand for a conference it will unleash its dogs of war.

Israel still holds the whip hand in the legislative branch and among the media. Republican congressmen formed a group called the Israel Victory Caucus to supplement an already existing bipartisan Israel Allies Conference. In a separate development, all U. An AIPAC official once bragged that he could get the signatures of 70 senators on a paper napkin if he needed to do so, and one wonders whether anyone even broke a sweat in rounding up all in support of Israel.

Israeli partisans in the U. Congress persist in exploiting alleged anti-Semitism to defund U. Quite frankly, I do not expect Donald Trump to do anything in Jerusalem at the end of the month apart from making the usual noises about how much he loves Israel. The Palestinians will walk away shaking their heads over the usual Washington message, which is pretty much the Israeli message spun a bit for the U. But it is interesting to speculate that there might be some surprises down the road and Donald Trump is certainly capable of that.

Israel thinks that the status quo of unlimited U. Knee-jerk support will not continue, as more and more the message of Israeli savagery in its occupation becomes public knowledge in spite of the media filter.

Someday there will come a tipping point and Israel and its kleptocratic leaders will have to figure out how and why they missed out on so many opportunities to make peace with their neighbors over so many years. Relevant to your article, Pence and Sessions are hyper-Christian Zionists who it appears may be calling the shots.

I expect your pessimism is the more accurate picture. The very fact that there is such a thing as the Israel Victory Caucus leaves me feeling more disgusted than I care to express at the moment.

Netanyahu on TV throwing a Hamas offer into a rubbish bin confirmed my suspicion, entertained for quite some time now, that Israelis are not particularly intelligent.

Anyone familiar with the history of zionism knows that zionists are of the opinion that they rightfully own Palestine, despite the fact that from say CE to hardly any jews lived there. As long as jewish power in the USA remains as it is, and the USA is the one and only true world power, Palestinians will remain refugees. Could some or all of them be left within the Palestinian state? The terms of the safeguards built in for them at least need an early airing.

Is it possible to have most of them move to Israel proper? Does PG think that could or would be negotiated? Maybe it is not as impossible as one might at first suppose. Enormous ingenuity using solsr power and desalination is going into developing the Negev???? Given the certainty that any settlement would have to be lubricated with vast amounts of money what about financing 3, 4 or 5 mini Hong Kongs on the West Bank, realistically accepting that Palestinians basing their economy and employment on farming is a lost cause?

It is laughable and misleading to present any serious discussion of the by far the most consistent, brutal and appalling shame of the West, with any suggestion that Trump has even a slither of power. The only officials close enough to him he may have chosen or been led to believe he chose have been fires or maimed into a political eunuch. He holds as much real power as Obama and Bush before him. In fact, not since JFK has their appeared a US president within touching distance of the true power structure.

And that went well for him? The Zionists own the media, the banks, are bedfellows with the military industrial complex, as close to symbiotic relationship. For they have gained. The greater Israel project is very much under way.

Along with its little brother the project for a new American century. These are no crazed consoirai theories but the reality on the ground. You wish to see who is truly in power you look to who is always above the law and cannot be challenged or even criticised.

One regime fits this, which is the Israeli regime. There is probably more to the eschatological concerns and beliefs found high up in the Anglo Zionist power structure, all that astonishing power and money leads to encouraging megalomaniacal behaviour. Yet I have not the space or time to delve….

The Palestinians are as unfortunately as much of lost cause as our own will become further down the line if we have any wish to avoid slavery or our own destruction. Still I roar for their cause and my own, they are one and the same. Trump is finding the reality of the ME situation. A year-ago he was naive about the whole subject. He thought that you could crash some heads together and it would all come together.

He did not understand the full extent of evil intent harbored by the US Jews who support Zionism. And in the campaign, Trump condemned the evil Wahhabi Saudis. The Kushner family are rabid hate filled Zionists. It was a cruel joke to say he would find peace with the Palestinians.

It is a terrible thing to realize that the Palestinians and those Americans living in fly-over country, the so-called deplorables, are enslaved and marginalized by the same clan of ruthless psychopaths. That the elected leaders in Washington are willing accomplices, adds insult to injury. If we all die for the fact, blame can be spread around, and not least, proportionally pinned on the apocalyptic world-view of Christian Zionists backing Israel.

The deplorables could, at any time, rebel — kick out Israel first politicians, vote out Zionists, stop attending mega churches dedicated to Jew worship, change state laws to make it more difficult for outside Zionist groups to interfere in state politics, coordinate lawfare against the various Zionists groups, etc. Israeli ministers back proposed law demoting Arabic language Parliament to consider nation state bill that would make Hebrew the lone national language.

The timing of the bill — after four years of deliberations — is significant, coming two weeks before a planned visit by Donald Trump in which the US president had hoped to breath life into a moribund peace process…. The simple case that the evidence supports is that Osama bin Laden wanted to do the maximum damage to America and therefore, with only asymmetric warfare available to him, wanted to draw America into a Vietnam War type quagmire by using his estanlished simultaneous suicide attacks strategy.

Considering that this was actually achieved it is highly credible. By contrast the alternative is ridiculously complicated and uncertain. Even if such an outcome was fantasised no planning staff would treat it as more than a fanciful brainstorming idea. Are they going to be given the West Bank? If they end up in a Palestinian state then it could only be the one across the river. Sessions is not a hyper CZ as he has been very critical of The Zionist Entity hence the opposition to his nomination in the owned congress and media.

You are right about Pence though. Mukasey is a Jew and as I spell it Jew -liani is a Neocon boot licker who should be drawn and quartered. His erratic behavior in the campaign has been noted, even by Donald, so he hopefully will have less and less influence with Trump. Mukasey is a outlier so he also may not have that much influence over Trump.

Or something comparable to neocons, or to Israel? The Arab Liga peace proposal is that all jews leave the territories stolen in and afterand that compensation is paid for what was stolen en destroyed until In return the Palestinians will give up the right to return to the territories stolen beforethere is nothing to return to, all houses, farms, villages and small towns have been razed to the ground.

When the proposal was first made Sharon perpetrated the blood bath of Jenin. Israel will never get a better deal, but of course will never accept. Jews seem to have a sense of what is acceptable or possible lacking, this explains how they became, in their view, innocent victims over and over again. There is one jewish writer who describes the phenomenon: Not going there dude. Billionaires tend to arrogance. Soros happens to be Jewish. They both set themselves above common humanity.

The Palestinians were offered a fairly good deal by Ehud Barak, one they could reasonably expect to be able to build on They turned it down, because they know time is on their side. The official US policy is for a Palestinian state to be formed out of the West Bank—into every corner of which which Israel has put Jewish settlers.

Going by the settlements, Israel will never give up the West Bank, and yet they cannot keep pretending to be willing to give it up while actually holding on to it as an Apartheid territory with an Arab majority without rights indefinitely.

There is probably more to the eschatological concerns and beliefs found high up in the Anglo Zionist power structure…. I was well awate of that quote or misquote.

You missed my point. By comparison ObL can be seen as having got exactly what he planned for in a very straightforward way consistent with his previous tactics. It is necessary to bear in mind that the Pearl Harbour version presupposes a strong Israeli and Israel lobby desire to get the US into a war which would Balkanise Iraq.

Bill Gates is not a jew? In this definition there are more than four times as much jews as normally assumed. I corresponded with a christian historian, whose great grandfather in converted from judaism to christianity. In my view this historian still was a jew, he twisted history to the advantage of jewry.

What is true, but far more true is that it was just jews that made, and still make, Palestinians suffer. Alas, for the majority of Dutch jews Hamburger is a traitor, as is Finkelstein in the USA, and Ilian Pappe, now living in GB, as far as I know. Both Finkelstein and Pappe were not allowed to speak in Germany, recently. None of these Likud supporting groups see the conflict, or geopolitics in general, in the same way as the Ashkenazim who dominate the Labour Party do.

The amount of Israelis who actually feel some sort of emotional tie to Europe has never been smaller, demographically speaking. In the sense of long term demographics decades down the line, yes. In the sense of the actual military conflict, no. Israel has also done a pretty good job at quietly co-opting the Saudis-formerly a major funder of Palestinian aspirations-in recent years.

One of the things Tehran notices more than anything is how cozy the Sauds have become with the Zionist entity. The position of Israel vs. The basis of Imperial India was economic, to favour British interests, but plenty of native Indians benefited from British administrative jobs lower leveland the British co-operated with, and respected, the local power of Indian princes when they accepted nationwide British rule from Calcutta and Delhi.

The fact was that it paid many natives to co-operate with British imperialism in the same way that US Congressmen know what to do and say with regard to Israel. There is not a single verifiable excavated enormous mass grave with contents actually SHOWN, not just claimed, recall the claim ofburied at Treblinka, 1, at Auschwitz, orat Sobibor even though Jews claim they still exist and claim to know exactly where these alleged enormous mass graves are.

No they were not. Barak backed out at the last minute. Clinton was furious about it but could not do anything. Furthermore, a close reading of that deal showed that the Palestinians were again being stabbed in the back. A Jew is not capable of giving an honest deal to a gentile let alone a Palestinian. The only solution is a one vote one person One State solution.

Will it ever happen? On March 26, Thousands gathered in a pro Palestinian rally which began in front of the White House in Washington DC, followed by a march the the Washington Convention Center to protest the AIPAC convention. Vernichten is defined by Duden thus: Correction; Jewish settlers are not subsidized by the Israeli government to to steal real property from and terrorize Arabs.

Jewish settlers are subsidized by the American taxpayer to steal real property from and terrorize Arabs. And the Palestinians in effect backed out by making no counter offer, although once they had the Bantustans they could have easily built and coalesced it into a more contiguous state. Barak was the last Israeli leader who thought in terms of a final settlement with the Palestinians.

Ausrotten had more than one significance. Since Hitler in used the word, to warn jews, the significance in WWII discussions became genocide. Auschwitz was an enormous industrial center, where from coal and water synthetic oil, rubber and high octane fuel was produced.

The water table, many rivers, is close to the surface, this simply makes deep huge holes impossible. Where did you find the text? But also vernichten is not simple, for example vernichten an army does not mean killing any soldier, but stop the army being effective. Amazing how the Palestinian flag in the picture is deliberately obscured!

They must have a little protocol from the State War Department to do that, to turn it that way and to take the photograph so it cannot be seen properly. Israel cooperates with any nation where they see an advantage. During the Iran Iraq war Israel trained Iranian fighter pilots in N Germany. Local politician Barschel wanted to stop this, he was suicided in a Geneva hotel. So, you believe in the crypto Jew theory that lurking about the world to do evil are millions of people who have a bit of Jewish DNA.

Well, how many USA citizens protested against the Afghan and Iraq war at the time? And was not sept 11 great for getting the Patriot Act accepted? So Lindbergh began assisting Ford in building bombers. Israel wanted more than balkanise Iraq, they wanted the destabilisation of the whole ME. And did it not succeed, up to Tunesia? Why now the hysteria over contacts with Russia, is it not unimaginable that Assad remains in control of a stable Syria? What is or was El Quaida but a USA propaganda invention?

Why do you think that Bin Laden was murdered? The same reason that the man in Spandau who was not Hess was killed, had they spoken out, world history would have been changed. Also Hitler spoke of solving the Jewish problem AFTER the war, the Schlegelberger Documentwhich read:.

He will moreover take pains to ensure that, whatever else happens, no fundamental decisions are taken without his knowledge in consequence of a surprise briefing by any third party. Even now he could say one thing to him, that at the end of the war all Jews would have to leave Europe. This was the unalterable decision of the Fuehrer and also the only way to master this problem, as only a global and comprehensive solution could be applied and individual measures would not help very much.

They refer to such things as military defeat and slavization. Hence, 17th century usage does not seem to be decisive or particularly relevant. Nothing about First Amendment rights or making support for BDS illegal. Is there some other legislation you had in mind? Wikipedia does not list any other legislation in the United States.

Soon we can look back on the smoldering ruins, shake our heads sadly, and say: They never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity! If the most powerful country and all its wealthy allies are in Zionist control, you think a down on their luck, stone throwing Palestinians have a remote chance of a homeland? The Zionists love free stuff, and this land grabbing is only done slowly to calm opposition from sponsoring countries The Western Alliance.

There will be no Palestinian state.

Not in our life time. To serve the master, we need to be in a constant state of threat. The answer is what they learn from their textbooks. So I thought it interesting to learn how Palestinians are represented in Israeli textbooks. Palestinians are represented only as problems, as terrorists.

Widespread beatings by SA thugs? Well, there you have it. We should all feel so much better! It was all a misunderstanding. Were workers voluntary Jilles? How much were they paid? What was their daily caloric intake? No mention of the numerous other sites like Mittelbau-Dora. Did they have high water tables too? No doubt that was also a misunderstanding.

Squeeze those bitter grapes. From the reason we were attacked to the final investigation — it bleeds Jew. Trump, during his campaign to demonize Muslims, called the cheering Israelis from across Manhattan as cheering Muslims.

Jared and Ivanka will make sure of that. Sad, power trumps truth……. And here are common sense questions. When someone makes it appear that they intend bad things to happen do you wait to organise your counterpressure till after the bad things are happening?

Do the textbooks say that Arab civilians vs states or combatants are enemies, or contain false negative information about them, racist descriptions of their character, or some adverse judgement of their value as human beings? That might be a bad thing, or not.

But it is not demonization and does not approach the level of partisanship in Arab textbooks. And there have been millions since In most European legal traditions, adverse possession gives you title to property you occupy openly for 20 years. With Jews you win! How about in the entire history of mankind, of the United States at least grinfollowed closely by the invasion of Eye-raq by Dumbo Dubbya in Similar tradition in US law.

There are numerous ways to frustrate adverse possession, some of which the Palestinians have employed, i. Based on the evidence, What was the situation in Germany in the Weimar era and at the time Hitler took power? Since, if directed at me you could have used the built in Troll alert function I infer that you were warning me that the Dutchman, to whom I gave a carefully elaborate response, was trolling?????

Potentially interesting, even persuasive to one with no particular agenda but I shall pause to see what the sane and well read Incitatus or Sam Shama may have to say before I set aside time to wade in. Some jurisdictions allow considerably shorter periods of adverse possession to extinguish competing titles but increasingly in recent decades exceptions have been made to prevent time beginning to run. Hire a smart lawyer, maybe Jewish, maybe Arab.

Indeed, alas unless that possession is opposed. But you do not seem interested in the moral side of the question. The jewish declaration of war on Germany of was not just economic, it ended with the demand for regime change.

It was realised, one might say. In combination with what another jew writes, Katz, one can imagine that non jewish Germans felt overruled. In Lithuania jews controlled economic life almost completely. Both he and Rassinier, French resistance fighter, who was in Buchenwald and Dora, Burg was inn the big jewish camp E of Brest Litovsk, E of the river Bug, describe the same, the camps had self rule. The caloric intake on average in the camps was higher than what the allies allowed the Germans afterthe estimate is that until about a milion Germans died.

The Kristallnacht seems to have been deliberately provoked, since in relations between German jews and the Hitler regime had become more or less stabilised.

You may be surprised to learn that a rabbi more or less wrote the Neurenberg laws, they feared assimilation. I never quite understood trolling. In my opinion I give opinions with sources, and answer criticism.

Did not find such texts in my copy, an english translation one can buy in the USA. Boring book, pages. There seems to be a conspiracy these days to deny the existence of conspiracies. Yet many history books explain them, such as C. Conspiracies of course are seldom documenten, yet two are well known, because they were documented: Yours is an excellent post swimming in a sea of anti-Zionist conspiracy theories in the comments section.

A bit OT, but just had to share my thoughts after reading two interesting articles posted on Forward online. The first, Armed And Dangerous: Now, rather than pointing out that the Israel Lobby has been pushing for these increases, as Irving Kristol has previously made crystal clear:. The egregiousness of the cuts he proposes can best be understood through the impact they would have on the access that millions of people would have to such a basic need: Meals on Wheels Aid for poor college students Heating assistance for low-income people After school and summer programs Nutrition for pregnant and nursing women Nutrition for kids in developing countries Emergency food assistance Efforts to revitalize public housing Legal services Community service.

Teach Florida also advocated for expanding tax credit scholarships for nonpublic school students. You may have been suspect for throwing in so many conspiracies without anything like the evidence that there is for those you cited later. Hitler lost and they were not blessed with Jewish settlers. One may wonder what if the Jewish state was really crated in Madagascar who would it be at war with?

All fish from Indian Ocean? To paraphrase a sage: The cleverest thing on earth is to cry out before one is hurt. Sound historians will agree that most tyrannies and tyrants have tyrannised since good men did not move.

It is not a profitable attitude to speak with distant optimism of schemes merely up in the air; for the cut from a sword can scarcely be parried if not while it is in the air.

And he was writing about Eugenics. It may as well have been written for the war-weary, common European — Jew and Gentile — sufferers of a long tradition of Prussian cloddishness, mendacity and wickedry. I hesitate, responding to the eternal charges levelled at bankers and moneychangers ; a topic at least as old as Yehoshua ben Yosef who failed to find vocation as one. It is the topic broached by the natives of Germania, so this, therefore, is wholly premised on a misdemeanour previously committed.

It is the chronology of events which snowballed into the Great Depression and the failure of central banks to respond in a manner as the wont of a lender of last resort ought to be. In this context, J. So blame Benjamin Strong, Emile Moreau, Montagu Norman, and Hjalmar Schacht.

Liaquat is equally scathing of politicians, btw.

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Before we go on to the deeper things which make this war the most sincere war of human history, it is as easy to answer the question of why England came to be in it at all, as it is to ask how a man fell down a coal-hole, or failed to keep an appointment. Facts are not the whole truth. But facts are facts, and in this case the facts are few and simple. Prussia, France, and England had all promised not to invade Belgium. Prussia proposed to invade Belgium, because it was the safest way of invading France.

But Prussia promised that if she might break in, through her own broken promise and ours, she would break in and not steal. In other words, we were offered at the same instant a promise of faith in the future and a proposal of perjury in the present. Those interested in human origins may refer to an old Victorian writer of English, nippising stock market chalenge, in the last and most restrained of his historical essays, wrote of Frederick the Great, the founder of this unchanging Prussian policy.

After describing how Frederick broke the guarantee he had signed on behalf of Maria Theresa, he then describes how Frederick sought to put things straight by a promise that was an insult. That passage was written by Macaulay, but so far as the mere contemporary facts are concerned it might have been written by me. Upon the immediate logical and legal origin of the English interest there can be no rational debate.

There are some things so simple that one can almost prove them with plans and diagrams, as in Euclid. One could make a kind of comic calendar of what would have happened to the English diplomatist, if he had been silenced every time by Prussian diplomacy. Suppose we arrange it in the form of a kind of diary:. How long is anybody expected to go on with that sort of game; or keep peace at that illimitable price?

How long must we pursue a road in which promises are all fetishes in front of us; and all fragments behind us? No; upon the cold facts of the final negotiations, as told by any of the diplomatists in any of the documents, there is no doubt about the story. And no doubt about the villain of the story. Suspicious Sam, that sword was not meant to slash, but rather to confer knighthood, so might the benighted think.

The cheering bunch were on the news for a day and then mysteriously disappeared, together with their half brothers, the Bin Ladens. All sent back in private jets. See some footage including Fox fix News. You see, this town is a Jewish town. A clear thesis for the benighted, one which disentangles the gordian knot for Germania!

You are to be applauded! Bc if you did we would have the proper context, right? National Socialist Germany and Fascist Italy have institutions which enable them when necessary to enlighten the world about the nature of a question of which many nations are instinctively conscious, but which they have not yet clearly thought out. The nations are no longer willing to die on the battlefield so that this unstable international race may profiteer from a war or satisfy its Old Testament vengeance.

So here you have it: The language used by the more radical parties involved in this struggle was quite often inflammatory and violent. Words said in the heat of the moment were not always considered to be taken literally. This, too, needs to be kept in mind. The hoaxters are left with distorting the meaning of words given in speeches… PATHETIC. Being absolute, this attitude stock market liquidity pdf the readiness, if necessary, to go to extreme ends.

The term in question did not mean that one had already reached the stage of an extermination nor did it signify that there was a deliberate intention to arrive there. A few days before the speech quoted [the speech of January 30, ], Hitler received the Foreign Minister of Czechoslovakia. He reproached his guest for the lack of energy on the part of the Prague government in its efforts to reach an understanding with the Reich and recommended to him, in particular, energetic measures against the Jews.

In this regard, he declared for example: Are we to believe that, during a diplomatic conversation, which would be recorded in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hitler would have confidentially alluded to a massacre in the Third Reich — which, moreover, would have been incorrect for that moment in time?

But this time, he explained the meaning as follows: In January of he stated that the role of the Jews in Europe would come to an end and added that this would come about because earn money to read emails in india other European peoples would understand this need for their own countries. At that time, one believed in the creation of a Jewish reserve.

But for Hitler such a reserve was acceptable only outside of Europe. Jonathan Cook is an award-winning British journalist based in Nazareth, Israel, since He is the author of three books on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict:.

According to census figures, the village has the highest poverty rate in the nation. Apologies for not translating — I assume you can read French since you quoted a French author. Orthodox Jews who spend their lives studying the Talmud do so at the expense of the taxpayer both in Israel and here in the U. They also take over school boards such as in Kiryat Joel and starve the local schools of funds while funding activities in support of their own private schools. They are truly scumbags.

They repeat this type of behavior wherever they choose to settle, driving out the goyim and milking the benefits, recently in Lakewood New Jersey, a town I used to know well when I was growing up. I ended up getting one, without power steering geesh but from the original owner, closer to home.

In Postvilla, IA locals with some help of federal authorities managed to hit back. But apparently money from outside started to pouring in and it seems they are not going away despite the fact that the leaders were sentenced to prison. Why I bought scandal-plagued kosher giant Agriprocessors http: Five men are sentenced to death, one receives two years in prison, and three are acquited. All nine are uniformed SA. He sends the following telegram: From this moment on, your freedom is a matter of honour for us, and the fight against a government, under which this judgement was possible, is our duty.

Is kicking a man outnumbered 9 to 1 to death in front of his family members a heartwarming Teutonic ritual? Why should this concern us in the question of who started the grudge-match between Nazis and German Jews? How are share options taxed in australia it out loud a hundred times a day until the words follow you into your deepest dreams: The Jews are to blame!

And they will not evade the criminal tribunal that they deserve. Sounds like a declaration of war to me. Would you patronize someone who blamed Italian-Americans for the Mafia and all other worldly ills S2C?

Tell us, if you were a Jew how would you feel reading this:. In standing guard against forex pips striker forum Jew I am defending the handiwork of the Lord…Was there any shady undertaking, any form of foulness, especially in cultural life, in which at least one Jew did not participate?

On putting the probing knife carefully to that kind of abscess one immediately discovered, like a maggot in a putrescent body, a little Jew who was often blinded by the sudden light.

Nonetheless they kept feeding their own men savage arms model 11 stock the abattoir with many, many others. Dolf Paul, Eric, Helmuth, Willie and most Germans wanted a rematch!

After all, none of them personally suffered money maker dj sava for bruised egos. It was the making of stateless Austrian Dolf. Swanning around in absurd feathered helmets with ugly cast eagles and tunics festooned with pounds of medals would never command the respect given in Only another war would do! Anyone Jew or Gentile in Germany would have been aware of them. Legal action must be taken within the stockholm wisconsin homes for sale statute of limitations.

Even giving them 20 years, that would be for most of Israel and for the West Bank. No such binding judgment exists against Israel, QED. That is not the law anywhere in the USA. But that is not remotely the case with Israel. Examining a host of related issues, from the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to the role of Big Oil and what does ipo mean in stock market demonisation of the Arab world, Cook argues that the current chaos in the Middle East is the objective of the Bush administration — a policy that is equally beneficial to Israel.

Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East, Jonathan Cookauthor https: American-Israeli relations have intrigued, occupied and preoccupied two generations of scholars and of politicians around the world.

Which of the two is the contemporary Rome and which is the belligerent Sparta in the Middle East? Zionists that created the modern state of Israel were a secular, socialist bunch. Yoav Mordechai, a spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces IDFsaid on his Facebook page Wednesday: How many Jews have been sentenced to death, or have been imprisoned, or even faced a court of law, for the murders of Iranian scientists Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan and Darioush Rezaie, and others?

Yoav Mordechai who expresses a corollary sentiment, apparently from his official capacity? On balance, it appears the Germans did better than the Israelis: Not so for the Jews. Perhaps you can join forces, form a PAC and demand that AIPAC register as foreign agents, or that Israel sign the NPT, or that Israel bring itself into compliance with the dozens of United Nations resolutions it has ignored or violated over the decades.

You raise an intriguing question: Only in late C Paul Vincent provides a clue: Imagine yourself a bystander in Hamburg, or Munich, or Aachen, the months of November cmc markets share trading June Half of the children in your town had already died of starvation during the war; relying on the promises of Woodrow Wilson that induced the armistice, you anticipated relief, but the starvation continued: Britain binary option demo iphone represented by Lloyd George, who had been legal counsel to zionist leader Chaim Weizmann.

Weizmann had assisted the British in sustaining the blockade; in exchange, he acquired the Balfour Declaration. As a member of the audience insisted to Jeffrey Herf in a bookstore in Washington, DC, https: Polish and Russian Jews fleeing Bolshevik upheavals in Russia poured into Germany, straining to the breaking point an already chaotic and overstretched political, social, and economic fabric.

Bolsheviks sent Jewish agents into Germany to stir up turmoil with the goal of capturing Germany for the Communist cause, setting off numerous riots and mobs. Blame the Jews because highly influential zionist Jews played a major role in keeping the war rolling past a date when as Niall Ferguson has argued the only reasonable course for Britain was to agree to a peace, as the German people knew. But the availability of a remedy is presupposed. How many Palestinian claims would be precluded by applying those principles?

And is it clear what the relevant law and courts would be have been? Is there some relevance in the Australian cases notably Mabo in which native title was recognised — in contrast to years of legal assumption of terra nullius — though extinction was also acknowledged where the Crown had granted an investors guide to trading options titles Cf.

Think about it for a sec; the Nuremberg show trials were a bunch of kangaroo courts, but as illegal and unjust as they were, they set certain precedents, did they not? These are absolutely well documented facts. One can see disappearing Palestine through the maps in the following article: Does inZitatus condemn the Zio scum for their actions? By the standards set, a lot of zio officials should be tried and executed. The same is true for ZUSA, BTW. Would inZitatus support such a notion?

In a reply to Rurik, inZi even said he had free forex quotes live fondness or something for … John McCain!! Bottom line, the guy is slime. I have noticed that in every article here discussing Palestine, this creep pops up talking about Hitler, natzee cannibals, nieh, nieh.

Anyway, why the hell should there even be an Israel as a Jew supremacist ethno state? Currently, there are no real threats to Jews in the West, where, in fact, a majority of Jews choose to live.

Being the masters of the only, if declining, superpower? The real story about how Israel was created, refuting the brainwashing propaganda we are subjected to.

Share with those you know! Both authors have published books and articles on the subject. The Real Story of How Israel Was Created by Alison Weir http: The Myth of the U. Creation of Israel By Jeremy R. The thugs were SA and Hitler supported them.

While clearly Himmler was a more direct and unsubtle enemy of the Jews than Hitler who, rightly as leader, had to balance mulfiple objectives, Jews everywhere were wise to anticipate persecution and react accordingly. It is interesting to forex chart usd cad reminded of the breadth and depth of German anti-Semitism of which Jewish leaders everywhere would have been more than aware.

Just trying to slide wordily past your point now. These are all valid points as to why Israeli title to its territory is not a pure application of adverse possession. However, the lesson from the principles behind adverse possession is still valid: Israel is almost 70 years old, and has controlled the West Bank for 50 years. The passage of time has rendered claims by an Arab to part of Israel that might have been just in no longer just on behalf of his grandchildren.

Yiddish is primarily a Germanic language, and Jews have been in Europe for more than years. Their special talent and understanding of the law has been recognized by all of the other civilized European peoples. Unfortunately, there will never be any peace for the Palestinians. Is it appropriate to apply adverse possession to situations outside of — way beyond, in fact — civil law? Giraldi mentions that all U. I live in Minnesota, so that includes Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken.

What is your source for such a statement? Are you really trolling the readers to imply that Jesus, son of Joseph failed to find vocation a banker or moneylender? This is what I meant to say; You know what Shakespeare said about lawyers…I would add Jew-ish lawyers! Jordan is doing quite well with horticulture.

Of course, there may not be enough water to go round. The six SA convicted in the brutal murder of miner Konrad Pietrzuch? Have no idea if he was Jewish. The point was Nazis voided just Weimar verdicts on SA criminals by blaming Jews and demonized them to get it reversed.

The SS, unlike the SA, never allowed routine drunkness. When dedicated SS super-patriots were encouraged to round out a day of murdering dubai gold market opening hours men, women, and children in the East with as many nightcaps as might be needed to afford them guilt-free slumber. After all, they had to be fit to kill another batch the next day.

Change the subject anyone? Scroll though my record. Israel, the US, whoever. But we were discussing Germany and the Jews in the 30s, as well as the economic threat of boycott. Jews are like Nazis? Far from being critical of Wilhelmine or Nazi Germany, you usually try to justify their behavior. So are you saying Jews are worse than Nazis, that old favorite?

Nazis were forced to resort to murder, torture, aggresive war and extermination because of Jews? Once again, I have no idea if Konrad Pietrzuch was Jewish. He was a German citizen. Violence against Jews was not institutionalized top-down at this point. It forexpros usd jpy advanced chart bottom-up spontanious and local.

There was no need to crowd the camps. Local thugs were doing a good job. Across Germany Hitler rival Gregor Strassor, former Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher and his wife? Those not yet in camps? No problem, murder them in their home like Schleicher and his wife or take them outside and shoot them like von Bredow.

Naturally all of these murders were retroactively declared legal by the cabinet. Another triumph of Third Reich justice. Your heroes were doing everything in their power to free up space in the camps.

It relates directly to your proposition of Nazi innocence in the boycott. Abroad people complained that Jews were being treated legally as second-class citizens…Since Jews had considerable influence abroad, it was prudent not to give them any material they could use as propaganda against Germany. After all, Dolf had to kill his rivals and former priest and quietly rearm before he took on the Jews. Meantime civil laws were enough to deprive them of a living and their property, humiliate them, and use them as convenient scapegoats.

Not to mention allowing the rich ones to exit German after extorting their wealth. Indeed, Germans suffered greatly under Wilhelm II.

It was quite a risk. Yet Willie kept on happily killing his own men in a lost war. Given arrogant incompetence and aggression, were German civilian deaths a self-inflicted wound?

Nobody invaded Germany, after all.

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Why should the Allies have cared more about German civilians than Willie, von Moltke, Ludendorff, Hindenburg, and the other nitwits? The forexpros commodity futures percentage of civilians died 1. A third unlike Germany by direct, random execution. The rest by famine and exposure Germans loved burning dwellings and expelling civilians.

How about the Serbians? Any tears for them? I agree with Clemenceau: Does that exonerate Willie and his rotten General Staff for starting WW1, raping Belgium and northern France, and exposing his own people to famine due to incompetence? Let alone denying responsibility to ensure another even more ruinous conflict? You dance around it like a firefly. Put it all on the table. I hesitate, responding to the eternal charges technical chart of stock market crash 1929 atbankers and moneychangers; a topic at least as old as Yehoshua ben Yosef who failed to find vocation as one.

I am guessing that is a slap at Jesus — and a kudo for Jew bankers — the total wrongness of the Jew mindset is flabbergasting.

The Jew central banking model is failing everywhere. Enterprise works — it is the money system that fails entrepreneurial activity and humanity. Somehow the majority of disposable money ends up in the hands of the Jews. There is nothing written in stone that says that an interest banking system is the only way an economy can function. On the other hand, the legacy of Jesus is what human freedom we have.

Poor Little Jew — you must face the fact that your brain has been corrupted by your upbringing. At least there is something to celebrate. Why not now to protect the Palestinians. Oh — I know, the Israelis are victims of the Palestinians. War against civilians, including through starvation blockades, is a long Brit tradition after all! BTW, the above article is about the situation in Palestine… Being the miserable shill for zionism, zamerican and brit imperialism, you, much like inZitatus, feel the need to spam the comment section with the usual misdirection crap.

The dividing up of jerusalem is non negotiable regardless of a Palestinian state. That sounds more likely. S2C seems to have been caught in flagrante delicto and had a brain freeze. Happens to the best of us. Keep a running count of his endearing epithets. No bungie destiny trading system reliable gauge of vacuous frustration exists. Pathetic is the word which captures your moment. You did read his post, found no what shares to buy now jse, and, responded as only a man left with no escape nor grace in defeat proposes to vacate the premises.

He is consistent, logical and even-handed to a point where partisans on my side of the debate often shift in our seats with a bit of discomfort. It is essential to emphasise this consciousness of the thing under discussion in connection with two or three words that are, as it were, the key-words of this platform binary options demo trading page 60 seconds robot. Both, I think, really mean something that really exists, name or no name.

Both mean different things. And if we ask what these different things are, we shall understand why England and France prefer Russia; and consider Prussia the really dangerous barbarian of the two.

To begin with, it goes so much deeper even than atrocities; of which, in the past at least, all the three Empires of Central Europe have partaken pretty equally, as they earn money to read emails in india of Poland.

An English writer, seeking to avert the war by warnings against Russian influence, said that the flogged backs of Polish women stood between us and the Alliance.

And as for the third power, income cash flow statement template Prussians, it seems clear that they have treated Belgian women in a style compared with which flogging might be called an official formality.

But, as I say, something much deeper than any such recrimination lies behind the use of the word on either side. When the German Emperor complains of our allying ourselves with a barbaric and half-oriental power, he is not I assure you shedding tears over the grave of Kosciusko.

And when I say as I do most heartily that the German Emperor is a barbarian, I am not merely expressing any prejudices I may have against the profanation of churches or of children. My countrymen and I mean a certain and intelligible thing when we call the Prussians barbarians. It is highest profit binary options different from the thing attributed to Russians; and it could not possibly be attributed to Russians.


It is very important that the neutral world should understand what this thing is. If the German calls the Russian barbarous, he how to earn money after bds means imperfectly civilised.

There is a certain path along which Western nations have proceeded in recent times, and it is tenable that Russia has not proceeded so far as the others: The Russ ploughs with an old plough; he wears a wild beard; he adores relics; his life is as rude and hard as that of a subject of Alfred the Great.

Therefore he is, in the German sense, a barbarian. Poor fellows like Gorky and Dostoieffsky have to form their own reflections on forex london session pairs scenery without the assistance of large quotations from Schiller on garden seats, or inscriptions directing them to pause and thank the All-Father for the finest view in Hesse-Pumpernickel.

The Russians, having nothing but their faith, their fields, their great courage, and their self-governing communes, are quite cut off from what is called in the fashionable street in Frankfort The True, The Beautiful and The Good. There is a real sense in which one can call such backwardness barbaric, by comparison with the Kaiserstrasse; and in that sense it is true of Russia.

Now we, the French and English, do not mean this when we call the Tv5 telugu news stock market news barbarians. If their cities soared higher than their flying ships, if their trains travelled faster than their bullets, we should still call them barbarians.

We should know exactly what we meant by it; and we should know that it is true. For we do not mean anything that is an imperfect civilisation by accident. We mean something that is the enemy of civilisation by design. We mean something that is wilfully at war with the principles by which human fibonacci killer forex peace army has been made possible hitherto. Of course it must be partly civilised even to destroy civilisation.

Such ruin could not be wrought by the savages that are merely undeveloped or inert. You could cointegration based trading strategies have even Huns without horses; or horses without horsemanship. You could not have even Danish pirates without ships, or ships without seamanship.

This person, whom I may call the Positive Barbarian, must be rather more superficially up-to-date than what I may call the Negative Barbarian. Alaric was an officer in the Roman legions: Nobody supposes that Eskimos could have done it at all neatly. But in our club penguin cp money maker barbarism is not a matter of methods, but of aims.

We say that these veneered vandals have the perfectly serious aim of destroying certain ideas, which, as they think, the world has outgrown; without which, as we think, the world will die.

It is essential that this perilous peculiarity in the Pruss, or Positive Barbarian, should be seized. He has what he fancies is a new idea; and he is going to apply it to everybody. As chicago stock brokerage firms fact it is simply a false generalisation; but he is really trying to make it general.

This does not apply to the Negative Barbarian: If a Russian peasant does beat his wife, he does it because his fathers did it before him: He does not think, as the Prussian would, that he has made a new discovery in physiology in finding that a woman is weaker than a man. If a Servian does knife his rival without a word, he does it because other Servians have done it.

He may regard it even as piety, but certainly not as progress. No; the danger of the Pruss is that he is prepared to goldengreen forex for old errors as if they were new truths. He has somehow heard of certain shallow simplifications, and imagines that we have never heard of them. And, as I have said, his limited, but very sincere lunacy concentrates chiefly in a desire to destroy two ideas, the twin root ideas of rational society.

The first is the idea of record and promise: It is plain that the promise, or extension of responsibility through time, is what chiefly distinguishes us, I will not say from savages, but from brutes and reptiles. Referring only to human civilisation, it may be said with seriousness that in the beginning was can i make money lending to kiva Word.

The vow is to the man what the song is to the bird, or the bark to the dog; his voice, whereby he is maximum loss to buy call option can suffer is equal. Just as a man who cannot keep an appointment is not fit even to fight a duel, so the man who cannot keep an appointment with himself is not sane enough even for suicide.

It club penguin money maker not easy aftermarket parts for remington 700 sps tactical mention anything on which the enormous apparatus of human life can be said to depend.

But if it depends on anything, it is on this frail cord flung from the forgotten hills of yesterday to the invisible mountains of to-morrow. On that solitary string hangs everything from Armageddon to an almanac, from a successful revolution to a return ticket. On that solitary string the Barbarian is hacking heavily, with a sabre which is fortunately blunt.

Anyone melbourne central anzac opening hours see this well enough, merely by reading the last negotiations between London and Berlin.

The Prussians had made a new discovery in international politics: They were charmed, in their simple way, with this scientific discovery, and desired to communicate it to the world. They therefore promised England a promise, on condition that she broke a promise, and on the implied condition that the new promise might be broken as easily as the old one. To the profound astonishment of Prussia, this reasonable offer was refused!

I believe that the astonishment of Prussia was quite sincere. That is what I mean when I say thatthe Barbarian is trying to cut away that cord of honesty and clear record on which hangs all that men have made. The British Empire, as empires went, was the envy of all other European states, including your favourite popinjays, the Prussians.

What a different world Chesterton lived in. Imagine how the hard nuts in a political campaign office would react to GKC as one of their volunteer press secretaies and speechwriters. It has only been quite recently that I have learned how dangerously barbaric too many Prussians were just as the Japanese had a long history of not quite seeing non Japanese as humans I suspect that their view of the Slavs as primitives may have helped form the less admirable dides of the Prussian character.

On another topic I am surprised that not enough of American mores have rubbed off on you from contiguity to stop you risking not only irony but teasing on serious subjects. Jesus the failed banker is a nice conceit. As it happens I have recently come across a couple of interpretative ideas. One is that the money changers, taking coins from all over to exchange them for the half shekel needed to purchase the Passover sacrificial offering, very likely cheated some of the simple folk from the country, and thatvit was observing this that sent Jesus into a rage when he observed it and the cheat was recalcitrant.

But then, independently, the question is posed as to why Jesus was not arrested. You could do the same, producing a similar number of children, living off welfare, so forth.

I suspect around zero. Anglos wants to be wealthy, respectable, straightforward, optimistic. And lately they all want to be secular. The same options are there for Anglos. They want permission to stop having to have children. Palestine, next, wll feel psychozion unlimited coz their civilization beeing completely robbed and their thousands of unarmed civil people being killed.

To have a GKC even one, half as blessed with the pen and brain as a speechwriter would be a delectable rare dream come true. But it is also a people of whom Goethe wrote: I have often felt a bitter sorrow at the thought of the German people, which is so estimable in the individual and so wretched in the generality…. On the other topic of American mores, I admit on most, such as they are, I observe mainly in the breach than in the observance.

The poverty act is just to keep the tax man at bay. All of the former British Mandate except Gaza will become the State of Israel with Jerusalem its capital. The Golan Heights remain in Israel forever. There will be small snippets of Palestinian semi-autonomous enclaves in the West Bank. Gaza could be the State of Palestine. Anything more favorable for the Palestinians might trigger dangerous violence by the settlers hence is unacceptable for Netanyahu.

Nothing spectacular will happen. Sure, the Israeli settlers could remain on their stolen Palestinian land — provided 1. But if those two conditions are imposed, it is advised that you protect your hearing as the screams of outrage and perceived suffering would be ear-splitting and constant. Nico Frijda was a classmate of mine in the Eerste Openbare Montessori School in the Corellistraat in Amsterdam.

His father was murdered in a German concentration camp. Hitler classified Jews strictly according to the number of Jewish grandparents.

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If you had four or three you were in great danger of arrest and shipment to an extermination camp. If you had two and were a male you had to serve in his armed forces until the Wehrmacht was stalled before Moscow in when all such males were placed in the reserves.

Ah, that clever Dolf — really knew what he was about! It seems the cannon fodder had to be indulged into producing children while Dolf got the new abattoir ready. This makes his Google investment worth 5. This one of the best investments I have ever heard of. The best in fact.

Take a deep breath. Tomorrow, no doubt, will be better. Trust in Dolf and Eva! Shirer, Bulloch, Kershaw, Fest? Ullrich is an able and most worthy, unique addition. I worry about the sequel decline ? I was rather impressed by the to-me novel version, not least by considerations of timing.

To wit that narrative pushing all the events from being welcomed with palm fronds and hosannas to crucifixion and resurrection into a few days was totally implausible and that the Festival of Tabrrnacles some months earlier would have been the occasion for the palm fronds. Americans should recover that spirit. Chesterton sounds like a typical narrow-minded product of an incestuous sect. Up to Prussian standards? Controller Houses Of The East India Company: EIC Series Part IV http: There is a simple solution, though The Zionist State has complicated it even more in the last 50 years of theft of Arab property in east Jerusalem.

Make Jerusalem one united city, capital of the Palestinians and the Zionists and have a UN headquarters there also, with an international peacekeeping force. The Arabs would agree to that but not the Zionazis! The Jews oppose every peace overture — they use words like bullets — they build lies with the power of nukes.

They are parasites — they take over and destroy their hosts. Long-term, everything they touch turns ugly. That a thing boggles your mind is no guarantee that it is false, and the charge is difficult to dispute without the use of ad hominem which temptation I have resistedbeing itself an example of what might be called argumentum ad se ipsum.

What gonads, the Little Jew jokes about book burning, when his Big Jews have effectively shut down free speech in the Western world. We all know that it is he who kills free speech. The Little Jew chortles under the protection of his Big Jews. He smears and insults good people with his words. He goes on and on without a thought of recourse. Oh my — the Jew parasite attacks the Gentile host…What gonads, the Little Jew jokes about book burning, when his Big Jews have effectively shut down free speech in the Western world…The Little Jew chortles under the protection of his Big Jews.

He goes on and on without a thought of recourse…Poor Little Jew — stupid Little Jew! Art, how wonderful to hear from you! I always bask in your articulate praise and feel no less enervated now. I have to be honest. I hope it brings you some satisfaction. But be careful Art. Big Jews have effectively shut down free speech in the Western world.

To have, in an unprecedented move, overturned its own process for approving student groups and unilaterally denied recognition to one student organization alone — Students for Justice in Palestine. Just wanted to share the conclusions from Prof. The first part of the series discusses Jewish ethnocentrism as a central trait influencing the success of Jewish activism.

The central theme of the second article is that, in alliance with virtually the entire organized American Jewish community, neoconservatism is a vanguard Jewish movement with close ties to the most extreme nationalistic, aggressive, racialist and religiously fanatic elements within Israel. The thesis of the third article is that neoconservatism is indeed a Jewish intellectual and political movement.

Conclusion from Understanding Jewish Influence I: Background Traits for Jewish Activism. The current situation in the United States is the result of an awesome deployment of Jewish power and influence. During this same period Jewish organizations in America have been a principal force—in my view the main force—for erecting a state dedicated to suppressing ethnic identification among Europeans, for encouraging massive multi-ethnic immigration into the U.

American Judaism is well organized and lavishly funded. It has achieved a great deal of power, and it has been successful in achieving its interests. Yet there is in fact a great deal of consensus on broad Jewish issues, particularly in the areas of Israel and the welfare of other foreign Jewries, immigration and refugee policy, church-state separation, abortion rights, and civil liberties.

Indeed, one is hard-pressed to find any significant area where public policy conflicts with the attitudes of mainstream Jewish organizations.

Conclusion from Understanding Jewish Influence II: Zionism and the Internal Dynamics of Judaism. I look at them with envy. I have never known, and probably never will know, this completely organic feeling: Such a nation will never willingly consent to new landlords or even to partnership. It is the memory of this rapidly disappearing sense of historical rootedness and sense of impending dispossession that are at the root of the malaise experienced by many Europeans, not only in the U.

There is a tendency to overlook or ignore the powerful ethnocentrism at the heart of Zionism that motivated people like Jabotinsky, especially on the part of the American Jewish community, which has been dedicated throughout the twentieth century to pathologizing and criminalizing the fragile vestiges of ethnocentrism among Europeans.

But the bottom line is that the Zionists were successful. Israel would not have become a state without a great many deeply ethnocentric Jews willing to engage in any means necessary to bring about their dream: It would not have come about without the most radical among them—people like Jabotinsky, Begin, Shamir, Sharon, and their supporters—a group which now includes the entire organized American Jewish community.

The impending dispossession of Europeans will only be avoided if people of their ilk can be found among the political class of Europeans.

Yes but would you not agree that some brief but forceful way of drawing attention to one of the more ridiculous lums found in his word pudding was justified? Are you seriously saying that….? No different when judged as argument. Conclusion from Understanding Jewish Influence III: Neoconservatism as a Jewish Movement [MORE].

The current situation in the United States is really an awesome display of Jewish power and influence. People who are very strongly identified as Jews maintain close ties to Israeli politicians and military figures and to Jewish activist organizations and pro-Israeli lobbying groups while occupying influential policy-making positions in the defense and foreign policy establishment. These same people, as well as a chorus of other prominent Jews, have routine access to the most prestigious media outlets in the United States.

People who criticize Israel are routinely vilified and subjected to professional abuse. Perhaps the most telling feature of this entire state of affairs is the surreal fact that in this entire discourse Jewish identity is not mentioned.

When Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, Michael Rubin, William Safire, Robert Satloff, or the legions of other prominent media figures write their reflexively pro-Israel pieces in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, or the Los Angeles Times, or opine on the Fox News Network, there is never any mention that they are Jewish Americans who have an intense ethnic interest in Israel.

During the same period Jewish organizations in America have been a principal force—in my view the main force—for transforming America into a state dedicated to suppressing ethnic identification among Europeans, for encouraging massive multiethnic immigration into the U.

I have also provided a small glimpse of the incredible array of Jewish pro-Israel activist organizations, their funding, their access to the media, and their power over the political process. Taken as a whole, neoconservatism is an excellent illustration of the key traits behind the success of Jewish activism: In the case of the immigration laws we see the same use of prominent non-Jews to attain Jewish goals, the same access to the major media, and the same ability to have a decisive influence on the political process by establishing lobbying organizations, recruiting non-Jews as important players, funneling financial and media support to political candidates who agree with their point of view, and providing effective leadership in government.

History also suggests that anti-Jewish reactions develop as Jews increase their control over other peoples. Clearly you three are among the most active pro-Jew commenters on this site. None of you are crazed Christian Old Testament bible pounders. Without some lemming like personal ideology, no rational person would do what you do.

One of the un-talked about and most powerful advantages the Jews have to control society is their power to control advertising. They are the gatekeepers of who gets to advertise on TV, radio, and in newspapers. Jews can deny advertisers access to media.

And Jews can deny advertising dollars to media. Media stations can shut out advertisers and Jew controlled advertisers can shut out stations. No matter how important, if any advertiser were to say anything against Jews they would be shut out from their consumers. Interesting piece on Mondoweiss. The following excerpt includes what I think are his top two quotes:.

So far, no university has ever divested from Israel. That has to remain the rule. Anyone that does has to be treated with economic consequences. We have to hit them in the pocketbook. Jewish power, whether it be intellectual, academic, economic, political— in the interest of justice is the right thing to do. Jews say a prayer that only after the Jewish people have strength will they get peace.

People write a book called the Israel lobby and complain that AIPAC is one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington. We should be the most powerful lobby in Washington…. We are entitled to use our power. We have contributed disproportionately to the success of this country.

We have done so much for this country. When you think of how much better this country has become since our grandparents and great grandparents took the risk of coming, here, we have not only the right we have the obligation to speak out, and use every piece, every bit of power available in support of Israel.

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This is the best of times. We are a very influential community. We deserve our influence. I hope all of you will participate in this great period of Jewish American, Jewish Israeli life, you have so much to contribute. I gave up wanting to go to heaven because I was afraid so-called Christians such as yourself might be there. My generaton of Jews was too young to fight against Nazism or for Israeli independence, too American to make aliyah emigrate to Israeltoo comfortable to put our bodies on the line for anything Jewish.

Instead, we observed, contributed… We became part of what is perhaps the most effective lobbying and fund-raising effort in the history of democracy. But in criticism of Dershowitz, a lot of his rebuttal rejects the idea of a vaunted Israel lobby. Everyone else who supports Israel in government and the press and thinktanks does so because they all independently believe that Israel and the U.

You pass yourself off as an intellectual — intellectuals are supposed to live by and love the truth and its free expression.

How can an intellectual side with the infantile coercive tribalism that is exhibited by the Jews? The pantheon of lies that the Jews live by is overwhelming.

You say that you are not a Jew — and clearly you do not adhere to the norms intellectualism — so please tell us what you are. Time to take another viagra? Frankly, you seem progressively unfit for little more than vomiting irrelevant verbal excrement, spreading it exclusively on yourself. The one wearing white sheets and hoods, noose always at hand? Tell him Jews run the TV channels in heaven. Must be on account of a deep-seated masochism.

There are a number of these passive aggressive blokes on this site, and all seem to be cut from the same cloth — virulently antisemitic, devoid of even the basic ability to read what has been written, let alone any comprehension of even the slightest deviations from their bizarre worlds, each outdoing the next in pious self-imagery. During this same period Jewish organizations in America have been a principal force—in my view the main force—for… encouraging massive multi-ethnic immigration into the U.

A little hard evidence, from June 26, Forwardto backup Prof. After months of delay, the U. Senate is set to vote on the most comprehensive immigration reform legislation in 27 years. And Jewish groups across the country are acting together in a way characteristic of the community on few issues besides Israel ….

The Senate vote… represents the fulfillment of a sustained campaign by the Jewish community for immigration reform, which has built momentum over the past decade…. And a Jewish establishment ever mindful of its need to operate through alliances and coalitions to advance its own interests is not blind to the implications of the issue in a country whose demography is shifting rapidly. I think at the time I wrote the above comment I had seen you express incredulity in some other thread over something not really surprising at all and was somewhat annoyed.

But in general it does often happen that things which seem plausible are false and things which do not are true. Have you read Fr. And just to make clear how the political process really works in the beltway, the author concludes with this paragraph:. But it certainly will be worth watching whether he cuts off the spigot of cash until he gets what he wants. My offer still stands: Congress shall make no law respecting … the right of foreigners to peaceably assemble in these United States, and to petition the Government for a redress of their grievances.

I do wheel out from time to time his. How odd of God To choose the Jews But odder still To choose yhe Jewish God And spurn the Jews. The first uses Nazis to indiscriminately slander Israel and all Jews, usually painted an evil monolith.

Palestinians sometimes appear as a touchstone, but otherwise little interest is shed on them. Nazis, never examined, are a benign rhetorical device. The focus is always on wicked Jews and evil Israel. Both smeared as crudely as possible with tedious self righteousness. They repeatedly swim in excrement not realizing little, if any, reaches their target. They romp in self-delusion. Wilson, FDR, Churchill, Poland caused WW2.

Arcane sources surface like rotten leaves in a cesspool, all treated as true gospel. A religious crusade brooking no dissent, waged as a means to importance, prominence and power. Unsuccessful group two players will drag in Palestinians, Iranians or some other distraction to cover a lie or mistake in their text.

A third group simply denies Nazi crimes and accuses Jews of making up the record in — yet again — a grand conspiracy. They begin by parsing history and usually end up erasing it.

Lifelong sewer-dwellers, they aspire to little else. Vulgarity, rather than intelligence, seems their cardinal trait. Inventively eager to embrace totalitarianism. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.

I do think that all of us are adept at placating the discomfort of cognitive dissonance, but some of these commenters seem to be operating at the master level. Take your point, but biodegradation? This filth never degrades. Rotten leaves, turds, whatever. They always have a case to make, even when embarrassed into temporary silence. Those who would willingly trade freedom for the rule of a demagogue who penalizes their pet scapegoat. Little do they realize their demagogue will eventually put them on the victim list when he encounters failure.

Most of these people harbor wanton malice. Anything to avoid facing their own shortcomings. Hated biology as a teenager. Any peasant like me can see it it, plain as day. Pardon the late reply. I am re-reading Keynes: An Open Letter to President Rooseveltpublished in the New York Times Dec 31, What a striking contrast, the quality of discourse on policy debates then, as compared to our present.

I should doubt the U. K or this country produces ever again, cabinet members or senators of their calibre. I remain entirely silent on Presidents. I admire Wallace, a man I reckon was ahead of his time in the pursuit of geopolitical entente. Novel economic principles implied by those allocations; women elevated and committed to hallowed fertile tasks complementing Panzers and Neubaufahrzeugen!

Can a better range and mix for economic output be named? JK Galbraith is a lifetime favorite. Few rivaled his sagacity, fewer today though his sons are admirable. Life was always better in the pure, unsullied past. Was there ever a golden time where men behaved with uniform nobility? After listening to the C-Span markup of the first GOP health care replacement attempt I have great doubts about our current executive and legislative bodies.

Observed behavior is uniformly devoted to eating errant plant species in full sunlight. Largely blind, always subterranean, subsisting on earthworms and other soil-borne invertebrates, surfacing from time to time but never comfortable with sunlight. By the way, this is their breeding season Feb-May. Let Wikipedia tell it: This could explain his absence. He did nostalgically yearn for pretty cheerleaders of yesteryear. He could be privately confined with an ankle bracelet as an in-camera review of changes of exposing himself on some playground progress.

I would put my grandkids on his school bus any day of the week with full confidence in their safety. All bets are off when that happens. Will any of this provoke it?

Disturb the slumber of passive America? As an economic policy, it stinks. But Keynesian pump-priming it most categorically is not. The proposed reductions, as far as I can see, do not benefit the middle class; so no boost to spending can be expected as a result. Tax cuts for the wealthy will witness no such benefits. The Laffer curve effect has never in practice, met with any success.

The idea behind it claims the long term Supply curve of domestic output shifting positively as tax cuts on the wealthy spur greater innovation and risk-taking appetites. While that might happen in an economy seriously handicapped in technology, in this country such cuts will almost invariably be saved by the rich or diverted to conspicuous consumption, with nothing accruing to industrial output or investments.

On the repatriation of corporate taxes: Infrastructure spending, especially if financed through year bonds is an idea I can get behind, but we need to be careful so as not to stoke inflation, given labour markets are operating near full capacity.

But I am not too concerned on that count since the Fed can quite easily tackle the problem if it arises. Healthcare is not a product one can price in a competitive market. A man getting a heart-attack does not compare prices across a set of alternate hospitals. It is a product most effective when priced and administered through a pool. The larger the pool, the better are outcomes, actuarially speaking. It is the only way to bring our healthcare costs three times as expensive per capita compared to all other developed nations down.

This attitude has to change, for projected deficits to go down. In the end, you are right Incitatus. Has there ever been a golden period, a period of human high-mindedness and ubiquitous wisdom? Of great charity and welfare?

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Very likely not; as one might say ex nihilo nihil fitand we get the government we deserve. Thanks for an interesting post. Dragging WW2 battleships out of mothballs and lavishing enormous sums on an obsolete floating symbol? Those who canonize Laffer are true believers. Like TV evangelists, they hawk just one more tax cut as the path to paradise. Two to three times the costs without all being covered? Poorer results by almost any metric? But apostles of deregulation, like anarchists, insist removing government oversight is the passport to a golden age.

HHS Secretary Price seems firmly in their camp. Infrastructure modernization is long overdue. A high speed train with local stops? The Unz Review - Mobile. An Alternative Media Selection. A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media. Default Use Desktop Use Mobile Use Tablet. Blogview Philip Giraldi Archive. Palestinians to the Woodshed? Hide Comments Leave a Comment. Ronald Thomas West says: May 9, at 5: Radicalized Palestinian terrorists need to be rooted out and eliminated.

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I'm reminded of what Hitler said inabout jews, 'if they again start a world war, they themselves might be "ausgerottet" '. Agree Disagree LOL Troll These buttons register your public Agreement, Disagreement, Troll, or LOL with the selected comment. Email Comment Ignore Commenter Follow Commenter. Sharing Comment via Twitter Body of Tweet Automatically followed by shortened URL http: Z-manTalhaRadicalCenter. Show Comment Next New Comment. May 9, at 6: It is quite simple, all talk about peace etc.

Lot Anyone familiar with the history of zionism knows that zionists are of the opinion that they rightfully own Palestine, despite the fact that from say CE to hardly any jews lived there. That's one reason for the kibbutzes. They certainly weren't trying to emulate the apostles' model in Acts 2 and 4. Deir Yassin will haunt future history forevforever. Example given, after Trump had requested Preet Bharara stay on as US Attorney in the southern district of New York, Mike Pence's fraternal brother, Jeff Sessions, fired Bharara regardless of Trump's stated position and Trump said and did precisely nothing.

If you'll indulge me, Friedman, who may be to the right of Netanyahu, has panned the two-state solution: Ronald Thomas West I don't subscribe to the idea Jews are special, either especially evil or especially good. They're just people with all of the typical human foibles that, inclusive of other things, often see killer-sociopaths rise to the top and rule; circumstantially in a particularly world threatening nearly necrotic situation at the moment.

Why have supremacist Jews have been marketing the '6,' lie since at least ? Wizard of Oz says: May 9, at 7: Re-sent with typos fixes. It was 3 but with no editing facility. Philip Owen Jordan is doing quite well with horticulture. Sure, the Israeli settlers could remain on their stolen Palestinian land - provided 1. Yet I have not the space or time to delve… The Palestinians are as unfortunately as much of lost cause as our own will become further down the line if we have any wish to avoid slavery or our own destruction.

Johan Nagel edit - conspiracy, not consoirai which my phone deemed more applicable! And as such theory it falls down on plausibility grounds when Oclham's Razor is applied. There is probably more to the eschatological concerns and beliefs found high up in the Anglo Zionist power structure May 9, at 8: Now he is going to use those two evils to force peace on the Palestinians.

Hmm — both tribal cabals hate Iran — could this combo lead to a war on Iran? Trump is the only block to that happening! Congress is useless — it is owned by the Jews. Peace — Art p. May 9, at Yet I have not the space or time to delve Miro23 The deplorables could, at any time, rebel — kick out Israel first politicians, vote out Zionists, stop attending mega churches dedicated to Jew worship, change state laws to make it more difficult for outside Zionist groups to interfere in state politics, coordinate lawfare against the various Zionists groups, etc.

It's not so easy. India until Independence it's largest and richest colony. Indian troops fought in Britain's imperial wars, the continent supported Great Britain economically, and India had a cadre of British Imperial administrators that took care of India's government, legal system, banking and press, with any sign of dissent Indian nationalism or anti-British agitation being prosecuted.

May 9, at 1:

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